Billing FAQs


Last Update 4 maanden geleden

How does Workfolio bill users?

We charge in advance for the month based on the number of users you have in your Workfolio account. 

What payment methods are accepted by Workfolio?

We accept payments from credit card providers including Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. You can reach out to [email protected] if you are experiencing issues using any of these mentioned payment methods.
Also, we support PayPal for outside India users. For Indian users, we support bank transfers.

Am I charged as the owner/admin of the account even if I don’t track time?

Yes. As the owner of the account, you’ll also need a license to access the web application so that you can manage your employees, view & generate reports, etc. 

What happens if I add more users after making a monthly payment?

If you have paid for the month and then you add more users to the account later, you’ll be charged a prorated amount for the remainder of the month for each new user added.

The prorated charges are calculated and charged when you purchase the additional license.

If you delete a user and add a new user to the account, it is considered a seat swap, and you are not charged an extra amount for that user.


You’re on the pro monthly pricing plan, and you paid $49.90 per month for 10 users (i.e. $4.99 per user) on Day 1. If you then add 10 more users halfway through the month, you’ll be charged $24.95 for those users for that month, which is half the price of a full month.

What happens if I add more users after making an annual payment?

If you add more users during the year than you’ve paid for, you’ll be charged a prorated amount for the remainder of the year for each user right away.

The prorated charges are calculated and charged on the same day they are processed

If you delete a user and add a new user to the account, it is considered a seat swap, and you are not charged an extra amount for that user.


You’re on the pro annual pricing plan and have paid $500 per year for 10 users in month 1. You then add 10 more users halfway through the year. For the extra users, you will be charged $250 immediately (half the price of a full year for those users).

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