How to see team member's leave summary?


Last Update 9 个月前

Hello Everyone, Greetings.

On this leave summary page, you can see a detailed view of your team member's leave. For example, you can see the total number of applied leaves, approved leaves, rejected leave and pending leaves. It will help you to get a clear idea about each persons' taken leaves and leave balance.

Who can access it?

Admins and authorized persons can access the Leave summary page on their web dashboard.

How to access it?

  1. Visit the and log in with the credentials
  2. Go to the left-side menu and click on "Leave Summary"
  3. You will be able to see the leave summary of all employees

If you need to filter the employee, click on the "Select Employee" dropdown and choose the employee you want to see.

You can change the year to view the leave summary of a specific year.

You can also export the leave summary by clicking on the "Export" button.

If you have any queries, feel free to contact us through support chat or mail us [email protected]

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