What is Timelapse Video in workfolio?


Last Update 2 months ago

Welcome to Workfolio,

Workfolio gives the option to view your teammate's work in a timelapse video. At the end of the day, the timelapse video will be generated from the captured screenshots. 

To enable the Timelapse video, you should enable Screenshot and Set a time interval of fewer than 10 minutes.

On the Settings -> Track Settings page, the admin can enable & disable the timelapse.

Who can see the timelapse:

Admin can allow/disallow the users to see the timelapse video of their own.

Admin & Team Head have access to their team members' timelapse video.

Team Members can view the timelapse video within the desktop app

Admins & Team heads can view their team members timelapse from website

Note: Click on the Click to Generate Timelapse button to generate a video for any person on-demand.

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